HVTView Class Reference

Inherits from UIView
Declared in HVTView.h


HVTView is a subclass of UIView that you use to preview video as it is being captured by HVTCamera.

Being a subclass of UIKit’s UIView, it inherits all the properties of this class and extends its functionality. You can create an HVTView by using the Interface Builder (and setting the class property to HVTView) or by instantiating it programmatically with initWithCoder: and initWithFrame: methods.

You use this view in conjunction with an HVTCamera instance, as illustrated in the following code fragment:

HVTcamera *camera = [HVTcamera new];
HVTView *view = // an instance of HVTView created programmatically or in the Interface Builder
[camera addView:view];

The view’s orientation is derived by the HVTCamera it is attached to. So, make sure the [HVTCamera interfaceOrientation] property matches your app’s interface orientation.

You can use the fillMode property to influence how the video preview is displayed relative to the view’s bounds. You can use the showHUD property if you want the crop region to be displayed or not.



Specifies the preview type of the view.

@property (nonatomic) HVTViewType viewType


When set to HVTViewTypeNormal, HUD elements can be displayed depending on the showHUD property.

The default value, HVTViewTypeNormal is best suited for most applications.

See Also

Declared In



Specifies the position of the Horizon watermark on the view.

@property (nonatomic) HVTViewWatermarkPosition watermarkPosition


The default value, HVTViewWatermarkPositionBottomRight places the watermark in the bottom right corner of the HVTView.

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Specifies whether the view is enabled or not.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL enabled


Enabled means that the rendering takes place and disabled is when rendering is not active for this view.

Use this property to manually stop the renderning to a specific view for certain cases (e.g. use in a UICollectionViewCell)

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Specifies the active filter for this view.

@property (nonatomic) CIFilter *filter


You can use the predefined filters provided by Core Image library or add your own custom CIKernels.

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Specifies whether HUD elements, such as the crop region and corners, are shown.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL showHUD


This property applies only when viewType is set to HVTViewTypeNormal.

The default value is YES.

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Specifies how the video preview is displayed within the view’s bounds rect.

@property (nonatomic) HVTViewFillMode fillMode


A common usage scenario is to toggle the fill mode when the user double taps the view.

The property in animated.

The default value is HVTViewFillModeAspectFit.

See Also

Declared In



Assigns the color to the circle that is being displayed when the user tries to focus in a point of the HVTView.

@property (nonatomic) UIColor *focusViewColor


The default color is white .

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Assigns the border width to the circle that is being displayed when the user tries to focus in a point of the HVTView.

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat focusViewBorderWidth


The default border width is 1.0

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Sets and returns the tint color for the dark area of the crop region.

@property (nonatomic) UIColor *cropRegionTintColor


The RGB values of this color will be multiplied with the video. The alpha value is not used. For example set it to [UIColor grayColor] for a dark look.

The default color is (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f).

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Controls if the view will include a double tap gesture to cycle through the different fill modes available.

@property (nonatomic, getter=isDoubleTapToChangeFillModeEnabled) BOOL enablesDoubleTapToChangeFillMode


The default value is NO.

See Also

Declared In



Controls if the view will include a tap to focus gesture.

@property (nonatomic, getter=isTapToFocusEnabled) BOOL enablesTapToFocus


The default value is NO.

Declared In



Controls if the view will include a long press to lock focus and exposure gesture.

@property (nonatomic, getter=isLongPressToLockFocusExposureEnabled) BOOL enablesLongPressToLockFocusExposure


The default value is NO.

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