HVTCamera Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in HVTCamera.h


You can use a HVTCamera object to establish a connection with the device camera, update the attached preview(s) and record to an audio/video container file.

When HVTcamera is running, it processes the flow of data from the camera device in real time, by utilizing the internal leveler and applying filters. You can alter the leveler’s settings using the provided properties. Some properties are animated and can be changed even while recording without producing rough transitions in the resulting video.


A simple usage scenario of the class requires the following steps in that particular order:

Camera resolution

HVTCamera receives video frames from an AVCaptureDevice instance, which can be accessed by the cameraDevice property. You can query the supported resolutions using AVCaptureDevice’s formats property.

By default, the resolution used is the one set in the AVCaptureDevice’s activeFormat property. If you want to set a specific resolution, use one of the methods provided by HVTCamera and not the AVFoundation’s methods.

If you set the resolution or/and frame rate while HVTCamera isRunning, the connection to the deviceCamera will be reset, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established. So set the resolution before calling startRunning if possible.

Performance Considerations

For performance reasons, the maximum supported resolution and frame rate are 1920X1080 and 60 frames/sec respectively. In some devices, it is recommended to use a lower resolution. For example, prefer 1280X720 in iPhone 4S.

The use of video filters can significantly impact performance.

Warning: A single instance of HVTCamera must be running at any time.

Setting the Delegate


The delegate object.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<HVTCameraDelegate> delegate


Set a delegate object, in order to get updates on HVTCamera object’s status.

The delegate is not retained.

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– setSampleBufferDelegate:queue:

Sets the receiver’s delegate that will accept audio & (leveled) video buffers and a dispatch queue on which the delegate will be called.

- (void)setSampleBufferDelegate:(id<HVTBufferDelegate>)sampleBufferDelegate queue:(dispatch_queue_t)sampleBufferCallbackQueue



An object conforming to the HVTBufferDelegate protocol that will receive sample buffers.


A dispatch queue on which all sample buffer delegate method will be called.

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Set this property to the current orientation of the app’s user interface.

@property (nonatomic) UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation


HVTCamera will adjust the orientation of the attached HVTView(s) and the angle returned by [HVTCameraDelegate hvtCamera:didUpdateParams:] to match the supplied interface orientation.

If your app supports multiple orientations, subscribe to the UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification and set the property as shown in the following code fragment:

For iOS 8 devices:

// When you receive a UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification:
_camera.interfaceOrientation = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation];

For iOS 7 devices:

// When you receive a UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification:
 UIDeviceOrientation deviceOrientation = [UIDevice currentDevice].orientation;

 if (deviceOrientation == UIDeviceOrientationPortrait
        || deviceOrientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft
        || deviceOrientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight) {
    _camera._hvtCameraInstance.interfaceOrientation = (UIInterfaceOrientation)deviceOrientation;

The default value is UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait.

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Managing Running State

– isRunning

Indicates whether the receiver is running.

- (BOOL)isRunning

Return Value

YES if the receiver is running and NO if it is stopped.

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– startRunning

Tells the receiver to start running.

- (void)startRunning


Starts the flow of data from the camera device. If HVTView(s) have been added, they will receive updates when new video frames arrive. You can also start video recording.

If the receiver stops running due to an error, it will call the delegate’s [HVTCameraDelegate hvtCamera:didStopRunningWithError:] method.

This call blocks until the receiver has completely started up.

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– stopRunning

Tells the receiver to stop running.

- (void)stopRunning


Call this method to conserve battery life if you don’t need to update the attached HVTView(s) or if you are not recording.

You don’t need to call this explicitly when the apps goes to background. The HVTCamera instance will stop running automatically and resume upon entering foreground.

This call blocks until the receiver has completely stopped.

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Previewing the Video

– addView:

Attaches an HVTView in order to display a video preview.

- (void)addView:(HVTView *)view



The HVTView which will be added.

See Also

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– removeView:

Removes a HVTView.

- (void)removeView:(HVTView *)view



The HVTView which will be removed.

See Also

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Recording Video


Specifies the output movie size of the final video file.

@property (nonatomic) CGSize outputMovieSize


The outputMovieSize can differ from the cameraResolution. For example, you can have a 1920x1080 camera resolution and a 640x640 final video file.

The default value matches the cameraResolution, until set explicetely via this property.

outputMovieSize cannot be set if the captureMode is set to HVTCaptureModePhoto.

See Also

  • - setOutputMovieSize:error: For a more fine grained control on whether the property has been successfully set or not.

    It is recommended that you call this property setter (or the setOutputMovieSize:error: method after setting up the resolution.

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– setOutputMovieSize:error:

Specifies the output movie size of the final video file, providing more info about whether the method had succeeded or not.

- (BOOL)setOutputMovieSize:(CGSize)outputMovieSize error:(NSError **)outError



The desired output movie size


The error object in case that setting the size was unsuccessful

Return Value

YES if the outputMovieSize has been set, NO otherwise


For example outputMovieSize cannot be set if the captureMode is set to HVTCaptureModePhoto. If you call just the property setter (setOutputMovieSize:) you will not get an error if the method doesn’t allow you to set this property while in photo mode.

This method will return NO and provide and NSError about it.

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– isRecording

Reports whether the instance is currently recording video or not.

- (BOOL)isRecording

Return Value

YES if video recording occures and NO if it isn’t.

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– startRecordingWithMovieURL:

Starts the video recording.

- (void)startRecordingWithMovieURL:(NSURL *)movieURL



The URL of the output file in which the video will be saved.


You must call this method only if the instance isRunning, or an exception is thrown.

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– startRecordingWithMovieURL:videoSettings:audioSettings:metadata:

Starts the video recording.

- (void)startRecordingWithMovieURL:(NSURL *)movieURL videoSettings:(NSDictionary *)videoSettings audioSettings:(NSDictionary *)audioSettings metadata:(NSArray *)metadata



The URL of the output file in which the video will be saved.


The settings used for video encoding.

See AVVideoSettings.h for more information on how to construct an output settings dictionary. If you only require simple preset-based output settings, see AVOutputSettingsAssistant.

Can be nil.


The settings used for audio encoding.

See AVAudioSettings.h for more information. If you only require simple preset-based output settings, see AVOutputSettingsAssistant.

Can be nil.


NSArray of AVMetadataItems that are to be written to the output file by the export session.

If the value of this key is nil, any existing metadata in the exported asset will be translated as accurately as possible into the appropriate metadata keyspace for the output file and written to the output.

Can be nil


You must call this method only if the instance isRunning, or an exception is thrown.

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– stopRecording

Stops the video recording.

- (void)stopRecording

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– pauseRecording

Pauses the video recording.

- (void)pauseRecording

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– resumeRecording

Resumes the video recording.

- (void)resumeRecording

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– isPaused

Reports whether the recording is currently paused

- (BOOL)isPaused

Return Value

YES if video recording is paused and NO if it isn’t.

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– recorderVideoBitRate

Returns the video bitrate of the currently active recorder

- (int)recorderVideoBitRate

Return Value

The video bitrate.


If the video recorder is not active, this method returns 0.

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– recorderAudioBitRate

Returns the audio bitrate of the currently active recorder

- (int)recorderAudioBitRate

Return Value

The audio bitrate.


If the video recorder is not active, this method returns 0.

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Managing Photo Capture


Handles the still image frame for photo mode

@property (nonatomic) HVTStillImageOrientation stillImageOrientation

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– setGPSMetadata:

Sets the GPS metadata that can be used for photos

- (void)setGPSMetadata:(NSDictionary *)gpsMetadata



The dictionary containing GPS coordinates, conforming kCGImagePropertyGPSDictionary

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– captureFullResolutionPhoto

Shoots a full resolution photo.

- (BOOL)captureFullResolutionPhoto

Return Value

NO if another photo capture is in progress or if photo capturing is not supported and YES otherwise


If used while recording then you will receive a HVTErrorPhotoModeNotEnabled error by the hvtCamera:photoCapturingDidFailWithError: delegate method.

While recording, you can use the captureSnapshot method to take photos.

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– captureFullResolutionPhotoUsingHDR:

Shoots a full resolution photo.

- (BOOL)captureFullResolutionPhotoUsingHDR:(BOOL)usingHDR



Capture HDR photo

Return Value

NO if another photo capture is in progress and YES otherwise


If used while recording then you will hear the shutter sound.

If used while recording then you will receive a HVTErrorPhotoModeNotEnabled error by the hvtCamera:photoCapturingDidFailWithError: delegate method.

While recording, you can use the captureSnapshot method to take photos.

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– captureSnapshot

Shoots a snapshot photo, right from the video stream. It can be used while recording

- (BOOL)captureSnapshot

Return Value

NO if another photo capture is in progress and YES otherwise

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– isHDRPhotoCaptureAvailable

Returns if the device can capture full resoltion still image HDR photos

- (BOOL)isHDRPhotoCaptureAvailable

Return Value

YES if HDR photo capture is available, NO otherwise

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Managing the Camera Settings


The currently active AVFoundation device.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) AVCaptureDevice *cameraDevice


You can change the camera device properties by first calling the AVCaptureDevice’s lockForConfiguration: method.

Warning: If you want to alter the camera resolution or framerate, do not alter the activeFormat, activeVideoMinFrameDuration or activeVideoMaxFrameDuration properties of the AVFoundation device. Instead, use the methods supplied by HVTCamera.

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The capture mode used by the camera.

@property (nonatomic) HVTCaptureMode captureMode


The two capture modes are listed in the HVTCaptureMode enumeration. The default value is HVTCaptureModeVideo.

Capture mode changes automatically to HVTCaptureModeVideo value when setCameraResolution:error: or setCameraResolution:frameRate:error: methods are called

See Also

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– setCaptureMode:cameraPosition:

Sets a new capture mode with a specified camera position.

- (void)setCaptureMode:(HVTCaptureMode)captureMode cameraPosition:(AVCaptureDevicePosition)newPosition



The new capture mode.


The new camera position.

See Also

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The current flash mode

@property (nonatomic) AVCaptureFlashMode flashMode


You can set or query the current flash mode using this property. Horizon SDK takes care of the availability and the separation between torch/flash for you

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The pixel format used for the exported videos and frames by the hvtCamera:didOutputSampleBuffer: method.

@property (nonatomic) FourCharCode outputPixelFormat


The default value is kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA.

You can enter only the following two values for the outputPixelFormat:

kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA and kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange

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The brightness value, indicating how dark or bright the scene currently is.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) float brightnessValue


The value can be negative (for dark scenes) or positive (for bright scenes) and is updated in real-time.

You can observe the changes to this value using KVO.


[self addObserver:self
            options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld | NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew)
            context:(__bridge void *)(self)];

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– resetFocusExposureWhiteBalance

Clears any focus/exposure/white balance setting that may have been applied by the user, returning them to AVCaptureFocusModeContinuousAutoFocus, AVCaptureExposureModeContinuousAutoExposure and AVCaptureWhiteBalanceModeContinuousAutoWhiteBalance values

- (void)resetFocusExposureWhiteBalance

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+ isCameraPositionSupported:

Indicated whether the AVCaptureDevicePosition in question is supported by the current device.

+ (BOOL)isCameraPositionSupported:(AVCaptureDevicePosition)cameraPosition



The camera position in question.

Return Value

YES if device supports the said AVCaptureDevicePosition, NO otherwise


This is a class method so you can use it without first instanciating the HVTCamera object.

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– isFlashAvailable

Indicates whether a given camera has flash illumination capability.

- (BOOL)isFlashAvailable

Return Value

YES if device has flash and it is available in HVTCaptureModePhoto or if it has torch and it is available in HVTCaptureModeVideo, NO otherwise


To get notified on changes on the property, subscribe to receive NSNotifications with HVTFlashIsAvailableNotification name.

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– cameraResolution

Reports the camera resolution for the current cameraDevice.

- (CGSize)cameraResolution

Return Value

The camera resolution as a CGSize struct.

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– setCameraResolution:error:

Sets the camera resolution of the current cameraDevice. Frame rate is set to 30 frames/sec.

- (BOOL)setCameraResolution:(CGSize)cameraResolution error:(NSError **)outError



The new camera resolution.


The output error.

Return Value

YES if the camera resolution has been changed and NO if there was an error while changing the camera resolution (check outError for more).


Warning: If you call the method while the receiver isRunning, the connection to the deviceCamera will be reset, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established.

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– setCameraResolution:frameRate:error:

Sets the camera resolution and frame rate of the current cameraDevice.

- (BOOL)setCameraResolution:(CGSize)cameraResolution frameRate:(int)frameRate error:(NSError **)outError



The new camera resolution.


The new frame rate.


The output error.

Return Value

YES if the camera resolution has been changed and NO if there was an error while changing the camera resolution (check outError for more).


Warning: If you call the method while the receiver isRunning, the connection to the deviceCamera will be reset, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established.

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– cameraPosition

Reports the camera position of the current cameraDevice.

- (AVCaptureDevicePosition)cameraPosition

Return Value

The position of the camera as a value of AVCaptureDevicePosition.

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– setCameraPosition:error:

Selects a cameraDevice having the supplied camera position.

- (BOOL)setCameraPosition:(AVCaptureDevicePosition)newPosition error:(NSError **)outError



The new camera position.


The output error.

Return Value

YES if the camera position has been changed and NO if there was an error while changing the camera position (check outError for more).


The camera resolution and frame rate of the cameraDevice is set to its default value or to its previous value if it was explicetely set before.

Warning: If you call the method while the receiver isRunning, a connection to the new cameraDevice will be established, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established.

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– setCameraPosition:withResolution:error:

Selects a cameraDevice having the supplied camera position and sets its resolution. Frame rate is set to 30 frames/sec.

- (BOOL)setCameraPosition:(AVCaptureDevicePosition)newPosition withResolution:(CGSize)cameraResolution error:(NSError **)outError



The new camera position.


The new camera resolution.


The output error.

Return Value

YES if the camera resolution has been changed and NO if there was an error while changing the camera resolution (check outError for more).


Warning: If you call the method while the receiver isRunning, a connection to the new cameraDevice will be established, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established.

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– setCameraPosition:withResolution:frameRate:error:

Selects a cameraDevice having the supplied camera position and sets its resolution and frame rate.

- (BOOL)setCameraPosition:(AVCaptureDevicePosition)newPosition withResolution:(CGSize)cameraResolution frameRate:(int)frameRate error:(NSError **)outError



The new camera position.


The new camera resolution.


The new frame rate.


The output error.

Return Value

YES if the camera resolution has been changed and NO if there was an error while changing the camera resolution (check outError for more).


Warning: If you call the method while the receiver isRunning, a connection to the new cameraDevice will be established, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established.

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– setCaptureDevice:error:

Sets a specific camera device provided by the user.

- (BOOL)setCaptureDevice:(AVCaptureDevice *)captureDevice error:(NSError **)outError



The new capture device


The output error

Return Value

YES if the camera device has been changed and NO if there was an error while changing the camera device


Warning: If you call the method while the receiver isRunning, a connection to the new cameraDevice will be established, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established.

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– setCaptureDevice:resolution:frameRate:error:

Sets a specific camera device with a given resolution and framerate provided by the user.

- (BOOL)setCaptureDevice:(AVCaptureDevice *)captureDevice resolution:(CGSize)cameraResolution frameRate:(int)frameRate error:(NSError **)outError



The new capture device


The new camera resolution.


The new frame rate.


The output error.

Return Value

YES if the camera resolution has been changed and NO if there was an error while changing the camera resolution (check outError for more).


Warning: If you call the method while the receiver isRunning, a connection to the new cameraDevice will be established, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established.

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Managing the Video Stabilization Settings

– isVideoStabilizationModeSupported:

Returns whether the current cameraDevice supports the given video stabilization mode.

- (BOOL)isVideoStabilizationModeSupported:(AVCaptureVideoStabilizationMode)videoStabilizationMode



An AVCaptureVideoStabilizationMode to be checked.

Return Value

A boolean value indicating whether the current cameraDevice can be stabilized by setting preferredVideoStabilizationMode to the given mode. .


This methdod is a wrapper of AVCaptureDeviceFormat’s isVideoStabilizationModeSupported: method. It will not work on an iOS7 runtime.

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Indicates the prefered stabilization mode to apply when supported by the current cameraDevice.

@property (nonatomic) AVCaptureVideoStabilizationMode preferredVideoStabilizationMode


This property is a wrapper of AVCaptureConnection’s preferredVideoStabilizationMode property for iOS8 devices. In iOS7 devices, it sets AVCaptureConnection’s setEnablesVideoStabilizationWhenAvailable to YES when the preferredVideoStablizationMode is anything but AVCaptureVideoStabilizationModeOff.

The default value is AVCaptureVideoStabilizationModeOff.

Warning: If you set the property while the receiver isRunning, the connection to the deviceCamera will be reset, which can take some time. The call will block until the connection has been established.

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Maximum recording duration set by the user. If set and the recording gets past this duration, then it is automatically stopped.

@property (nonatomic) CMTime maxRecordingDuration


Every recording made after setting this property to a valid CMTime will respect the maxRecordingDuration In order to return to unlimited recording, user can set this property value to kCMTimeInvalid

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Managing the Leveler Settings


Specifies which crop mode will be used by the leveler.

@property (nonatomic) HVTLevelerCropMode levelerCropMode


The leveler crops each video frame so that the resulting frame is leveled. This involves rotating and scaling the crop region, prior to cropping the frame, according to the device’s physical orientation at that time. The crop mode is the way the leveler adjusts the rotation and scale of the crop region.

Note that scaling the crop region equals to zooming in the original video frame.

The property is animated.

The default value is HVTLevelerCropModeFlex.

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Specifies how fast the leveler zooms when HVTLevelerCropMode is set to HVTLevelerCropModeFlex.

@property (nonatomic) HVTLevelerFlexSpeed levelerFlexSpeed


The default value is HVTLevelerFlexSpeedSmooth.

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Informs the leveler of the expected device orientation when HVTLevelerCropMode is set to HVTLevelerCropModeLocked.

@property (nonatomic) HVTLevelerLockedOrientation levelerLockedOrientation


Since leveling is disabled when crop mode is HVTLevelerCropModeLocked, this property should match the device’s physical orientation. For example, if the user is intented to hold the device vertically, use HVTLevelerLockedOrientationVertical. However, if the user decides to turn the device horizontally, the recorded video’s orientation will be wrong.

The property is animated.

The default value is HVTLevelerLockedOrientationAuto.

Warning: This does not control whether the recorded video will be landscape or portrait. This depends on the aspect ratio of outputMovieSize.

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Managing Video Filters

– setActiveFilter:

Sets a custom CIFilter to be applied on the camera stream.

- (void)setActiveFilter:(CIFilter *)filter



The CIFilter to be applied


The active filter is applied after the Leveler corrects the video orientation.

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– removeActiveFilter

Removes the active filter

- (void)removeActiveFilter

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