HVTSDK Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in HVTSDK.h


The base class of Horizon SDK

Use this class to initiate the SDK using the activateWithAPIKey: method by accessing the singleton instance sharedInstance

+ sharedInstance

Returns the singleton HVTSDK reference to use in your application.

+ (HVTSDK *)sharedInstance

Return Value

The HVTSDK singleton instance reference.


Do not initialize the HVTSDK class yourself.

Declared In


– activateWithAPIKey:

Start the shared HorizonSDK session

This method serves as the entry point to Horizon SDK. It must be called before instantiating a new HVTCamera object, preferably in the scope of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of your UIApplicationDelegate class.

- (BOOL)activateWithAPIKey:(NSString *)apiKey



The API key for this app.

Return Value

YES if the HVTSDK was successfully activated, NO otherwise (with NSInternalInconsistencyException for exception handling)

Declared In


– activateWithAPIKey:settings:

Start the shared HorizonSDK session with extra settings

This method serves as the entry point to Horizon SDK. It must be called before instantiating a new HVTCamera object, preferably in the scope of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of your UIApplicationDelegate class.

- (BOOL)activateWithAPIKey:(NSString *)apiKey settings:(NSDictionary *)settingsDictionary



The API key for this app.


You can control various extra parameters using settings dictionary (@see HVTScaleFilterFrequencySettingsKey)

Return Value

YES if the HVTSDK was successfully activated, NO otherwise (with NSInternalInconsistencyException for exception handling)

Declared In